Udacity Certified Data Scientist
Welcome! to my online learning and certifications page.
A 7 module, 6 real time projects are the key highlights of the Udacity data scientist program. The module 1 Introduction to data science - Covers aspects of finding co-relation between the dimensions in dataset, data visualization for understanding of the data. Model 2 Software Engineering - Covers topics on best practices for building software packages, web applications. Module 3 Data Engineering this module covers practices of Natural Language processing, ETL and building machine learning pipelines. Module 4 covers Recommendation engines and it covers Rank based recommender system, User based collaborative systems, matrix factorization methods. Final module is building a case study on Starbucks dataset.
Tableau Desktop Certification.
By gaining this certification I have gained skills to perform data preparation, calculation and advance analytics.
To verify my Tableau credential Clickhere
AWS Cloud Practitioner certification.
By gaining this certification I have gained knowledge of IT services and their uses in AWS cloud. I have also gained fluency towards cloud and foundational AWS knowledge, also identify essential AWS services necessary to set up AWS focussed projects.
To verify my Tableau credential Clickhere
Udacity Data Visualization Nanodegree.
By gaining this certification I have gained knowledge to produce effective and impactful data visualizations to make data driven recommendations, storytelling skill by using Tableau Desktop and Flourish Studio.
To verify my Tableau credential Clickhere